Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Collective Soul rocks

Even though I re-created this blog to speak my mind, I've admittedly been absent anyway. There's a good reason for that, though, as I have been extremely busy working on a number of film projects. I'll get to those in the next post. First, I'd like to take a moment to dedicate this blog post to the most fantastic rock band in the history of living - Collective Soul. I could write pages and pages on my love for this amazing group but here is the story of the main reason I love them so much.

My dad and I have never really seen eye to eye. In fact, there was a time when he literally wanted to disown because of my decision to go on a road trip to see another musical love of mine. Anyway, in 1995 I went to a baseball game with my dad. It was just a soft ball game at the local field but a game nonetheless. As usual, we had a major argument earlier in the day and he was still quite upset with me when we got there. The game was less than exciting and dad's anger with me grew every second we sat there. Finally, in a rush of increasing rage and to combat the silence of the situation, he turned on the radio. December began playing. It was already my favorite song at the time but one thing my dad and I seem to agree on is rock music. As the song continued, a slight smile started to creep across his face and he turned to me as he said, "Here it is." I knew exactly what he meant. The song came to its vibrant and quite frankly spiritual instrumental. We both air guitared as we began to laugh at one another. The day was saved and my dad and I have since come to understand each other a bit better.

So first, thank you Ed, Dean, Will, Cheney, and Joel for continuing to make amazing music, for interacting with your fans, and being you! I can't wait for the new album (warning: shameless plug ahead) coming this August and, of course, the upcoming tour. Meanwhile, to all you fans out there reading, don't forget to visit the band around the web!

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